In this blog we can see a weekly entrance where it shows the different activities, videos or books that we have talked about at class and that I have found really interesting.

Hope you like it!!!

miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2016


The microteaching my group and I did was "The fantastic 4 cultures", and it was about teaching the students four different cultures.

At class we had to explain how we organized our microteaching and which parts did it had. After it, we had to put two diferent activities in practice.

The activities we decided to develop at class involving our classmates as if they were students and my partners and I as if we were teachers were:

➤ The magic box:

Resultat d'imatges de what's in your box

➤ Identifying the flags:

Resultat d'imatges de usa flag  Resultat d'imatges de france flag

Resultat d'imatges de egypt flag  Resultat d'imatges de china flag

(Both of these activities are already explained in the project.)

About the microteaching of my classmates, I think all of them were creative and in general, microteachings that would motivate students to pay attention and to meaningfully learn.

At the end of each microteaching presentation, we had some assessment grids we had to fill in order to help them to improve the strengths and to congratulate those thinks they did well. Here I upload some of the strengths my classmates and I suggest for our classmates groups. These strengths are classified following the items Rebeca, Laura and I thought:



In conclusion, I would like to mention that, thanks to this activity we learned to share ideas and to make them all work in a same project, because every each of us has different opinions and as in a real situation at a real school, if we ever want to start a project we will have to be able to work in a team.

sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2016


Dear diary,

Some techniques I have learned and that I would use are:

1. Ice breaker (song)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 once I caught a fish alive
6, 7, 8, 9, 10 then I let it go again.
Why did you let it go?
Because it bit my finger so.
Which finger did it bite?
The little finger on the rigt.

2. The banana game. In order to learn how to count. 

Students will count themselves and each student that be multiple of five will have to say banana. 

⭐Example: 1, 2, 3, 4, banana, 6, 7, 8, 9, banana, 11, 12, 13, 14, banana...⭐

3. Countdown. Counting numbers background. Students will count htemselves but background.

About Mental Arithmethics

4. Guessing the biggest number. The teacher will write on the board two numbers, one bigger than the other and then she will erase them and will ask the students which one was the biggest.
 325 - 309
Resultat d'imatges de kids thinking

As the biggest number is written firstly and the logical and reasoning way to write them is starting with the  smallest one, that can confuse students.

5. Guessing what number comes after or before. Students will have to guess which number comes after a series of numbers.
[200, 210, 220, 230, ...]
The correct following number is 240.
Resultat d'imatges de kids thinking

6. Guess the number. Students will have to guess which number goes between by adding or substracting.
40 (  ) _____ = 90
40 + 50 = 90

7. Round numbers to the nearest tens.
67 🠞 70
85 🠞 90
23 🠞 20

I would use these different techniques at class because I think students could really learn maths trhough english and through these activities. They are dynamic and challenging.


Dear diary,

This week some concret aspects I think I would use in the future as a teacher are:

1. Making meaningful activities. The students were drawing different type of monsters, each student their own monster.

I would try to make meaningful activities because I think that I will be fostering creativity and self-steem because non draw will be incorrect. Students will work from their own creations which will allow me to get their attention easily and to provide them a meaningful learning.

Resultat d'imatges de kids painting monsters

2. Asking questions about the topic you want to teach as a tool to star the class.

Resultat d'imatges de kids asking questionsI would use this tecnique because I think that by doing this I can create a good atmosphere just at ghe beginning of the class, it also can get the students' attention from the start and can easly help me to introduce a topic.

3. Learning by doing:

 Making shapes: In order to learn the body parts students could follow the shape of their own bodies in groups.

Resultat d'imatges de nens resseguint el seu cos   Resultat d'imatges de nens resseguint el seu cos

Mixing students to create content: Students A will be ciment and students B will be water and they will have to make pairs in order to create concrete.

Working a poem: Through a little poem students will, through different activities, learn by doing:

I'm a little brown seed.
Rolled up in a tiny ball.
I'll wait for the rain and sunshine,
to make me big and tall.
⭐Students could:

            - Build the gaps.
            - Mimming.
            - Drawing.
            - Plant the seed.
            - Create a story about the developing of the seed.

I would use these different type of activities because I think students really learn if we involve them into the learning process.

4. Congratulate students. Congratulate students when they do a good job.

I would try to congratulate students everytime they do something correctly.
Resultat d'imatges de congratulate students