In this blog we can see a weekly entrance where it shows the different activities, videos or books that we have talked about at class and that I have found really interesting.

Hope you like it!!!

viernes, 28 de octubre de 2016


Dear diary,

Some useful tips I have learned today are:

1. Comparing.
It is good to compare your work with the original one.

This tip I learned from a video we watched at class, and I think I would probably use this technique because I really think this can help students to improve their work and their skills such as: learning skills, writing skills, reading skills, or even arts and crafts skills, as we saw in the video. I would probably use this technique more in Arts and Crafts class than in the others but I would maybe try it in language classes too.

2. Asking for feedback.

Resultat d'imatges de students raising hands
Feedback such us: telling them what they would improve and how exactly.
I think it is a good idea to let students show their work to their classmates because they could give them some positive opinion so they could correct possible mistakes. 
3. Use draft paper to write vocabulary words the students don't know.

I would particularly use this technique at class because I really think this can help students to learn how to write vocabulary words and to know their meaning. Moreover, they will have all the words written down in a paper and every time they don't remember how that words are spelled or its meaning they can check it.
4. Prepare different activities to develop one same topic.


I would also use this technique at class because I think if students do not realize their are doing similar activities, they won't get bored of doing them; and without they knowing it they will keep practicing it and learning more and more about it.

5. Some tips to help students classify:

Here I upload three different techniques to help students classify.
For example: First, students could classify vertebrates in birds, reptiles or mommals; after, if they are going to work on mommals, they could classify them in farm animals, pets or wild animals, and then, watch the differences.

sábado, 22 de octubre de 2016


Dear diary,

What got my attention of this week's class because it will help me as a future teacher is:

1. A project scheme:

I would like to mention that I would use this type of scheme to help me to start a project because I think it is very clear and really helpful. As we can see thanks to this scheme we can separate the content from the language structures and while you are thinking about one of these things, the others are easy to came up.

Resultat d'imatges de infant book cover2. How to introduce a new story:

- Making students guess the story from the portrait picture or from the title.

- Having an image of one of the characters and ask students if they have ever seen it.

I think this is a good method to start a new story because it can get students attention and could encourage them to imagine what could happen along the story; which will make them listen to you and pay attention to you. 

3. How to organize a reading session:

- Split the class into two groups.

- Make mix-ability groups.

- Have two teachers in different classroom. One teacher tells the story and the other does related activities.

Resultat d'imatges de reading session

I would like to follow this type of organitzation in a real class because I think it could help the students focus and participate more because the group is reduced. In addition, having two different teachers is very helpful because while one is reading the story with one group of the students, the other can play games that can help students to understand better the reading.

sábado, 15 de octubre de 2016


Dear diary,

Some interesting things I have learned during this 4th week are:

1. Writing on the blackboard new vocabulary that appears during a lesson.

In my opinion, this a clever technique to help students to learn how to write that words they don't know and to learn them because it can also help students to remember them.
Once I write the words on the blackboard I would tell them to write them on their notebooks in order to have them all organized and because if they need to check the words again they will have them already written down.

2.  Tipycal Pshysical Responses (TPR)
Which means letting students answer your questions by miming, moving, etc.

I would somtimes use this technique because maybe students that are not that good at expressing something in words can easily express it by movement and in this way I would be letting them express themselves too.

3. Four different questions we should ask to students before, during and after a reading:

➤ Questions to develop other subjects (CLIL).

➤ Questions about the plot.

➤ Questions about personal experiences.

➤ Questions of reason, to develop their cognitive skills.

I think these questions are really useful because by asking students questions like these we could really know if they are understanding the reading and following it. In addition, these questions let the students talk about personal experiences which will make the debates more interesting for them and at the same time, depending on the type of questions, they will be also developing their cognitive skills.


Dear diary,

This third week of class the most interesting things I want to highlight are:

1. How to start a project using a magic box.

This activity consists on letting students guess what is inside of the box. They have to ask us questions and while they are asking them we can answer by just saying yes or no or by showing them little parts of the objects inside the box.

Once students have guessed what is inside, is the time when we should ask them what do they know about it and what would they like to know or to learn about it. If we ask them so, we are including them into the choosing process of the project and then we will know their previous knowledge too.

For example, if inside of the box we had hidden four different dolls creating a family, after guessing what is inside and knowing the student’s previous knowledge we could start elaborating different activities through which we could let our students get to the learning outcomes. 

This following scheme would help us to elaborate a project:

In my opinion, I would definitely use this magic box activity because I think it is a dynamic and fun way to introduce the students to the topic we want them to learn. More over, through this activity I think we will get students attention right at the begining and they will be interested in knowing what is inside of it so they will be participative and comunicative.

2.  Two interesting books.

These following books could give me ideas of how to teach English in English.

The first book is:

Teaching English to children by Christopher Brumfit

 The second book is:

Classroom management by John M. Vitto

Resultat d'imatges de Classroom management by John M. Vitto

I liked that the teacher presented us these books and told us a little bit about them because she is giving us different tools to learn more about, in these cases, class management and how to teach English in English.

3. The video "I just sued the school system":

Once we saw the video twice, we talked about it. What we said is that we all agreed that if we want to make a change we should start putting in practice all this ideal type of methodologies that we think are effective to teach students nowadays and not students from other generations. If the world evolves, the educational system should evolve too.
We should prepare our students for the present real life and not for the real life it was used to be. In addition, we should also make an statement and get the government attention so they could really see what is going on inside the educational system and so they could help us make a change.

miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2016


Dear diary,

This second week of class was interesting because I learned different platforms to work with such as:

1). In order to describe, comment and show ideas:

💡  Thinklink


I liked Tellagami because I think it is a good video avatar tool and it is easier and faster to use than the others we saw. Therefore, as teacher I think we could create good avatars and explain what it would be necessary and have it ready for the class.

📍 Popplet

I liked Popplet because I think it is an easy tool to creat concept maps that could help students to organize ideas, to summarize topics, etc. In addition, we can also add images that can clearify what we are learning.


I liked EDpuzzle because I would probably use this tool in my class becaus I think it is very easy to use and really helps you to creat debates through videos and to let your students to practice all four skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing).

🕐 Timetoast

🖍  Buncee

👉 Blubbr

2). To create stories:

🐦 Storybird:

Resultat d'imatges de storybirdI liked Storybird because I think it is a fun tool to use in order to write stories and it has a lot of images to add which helps you to creat a story easily and it is a really good dynamic method to use in order to teach something specific to your students.

📓 Fodey

✐ Gapheine

🙋 Plotagon

3). To share opinion:

👀 Watch2gether

👫 Voxopop

📌 Padlet
Resultat d'imatges de padlet

I liked Padlet because I think it is an incredible tool to use with my students in order to creat debates and to share opinion between them and me or just between them.

Another aspect of this second week that got my attention was:

- Use ordinary classroom language.
I think it is a good idea to talk as much as possible in english when we are explaining some topic but what we should do, as teachers, is always say in english ordinary sentences such as:

★ Can you open the window, please?
★ Can you switch on the lights, please?
★ Can you bring me your work, please?

Because I think that then, we will be helping students to learn this easy day a day vocabulary and I am sure that they will learn them just as quick as they learned this next one:

Can I go to the toilet, please?