In this blog we can see a weekly entrance where it shows the different activities, videos or books that we have talked about at class and that I have found really interesting.

Hope you like it!!!

sábado, 15 de octubre de 2016


Dear diary,

Some interesting things I have learned during this 4th week are:

1. Writing on the blackboard new vocabulary that appears during a lesson.

In my opinion, this a clever technique to help students to learn how to write that words they don't know and to learn them because it can also help students to remember them.
Once I write the words on the blackboard I would tell them to write them on their notebooks in order to have them all organized and because if they need to check the words again they will have them already written down.

2.  Tipycal Pshysical Responses (TPR)
Which means letting students answer your questions by miming, moving, etc.

I would somtimes use this technique because maybe students that are not that good at expressing something in words can easily express it by movement and in this way I would be letting them express themselves too.

3. Four different questions we should ask to students before, during and after a reading:

➤ Questions to develop other subjects (CLIL).

➤ Questions about the plot.

➤ Questions about personal experiences.

➤ Questions of reason, to develop their cognitive skills.

I think these questions are really useful because by asking students questions like these we could really know if they are understanding the reading and following it. In addition, these questions let the students talk about personal experiences which will make the debates more interesting for them and at the same time, depending on the type of questions, they will be also developing their cognitive skills.

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