In this blog we can see a weekly entrance where it shows the different activities, videos or books that we have talked about at class and that I have found really interesting.

Hope you like it!!!

viernes, 28 de octubre de 2016


Dear diary,

Some useful tips I have learned today are:

1. Comparing.
It is good to compare your work with the original one.

This tip I learned from a video we watched at class, and I think I would probably use this technique because I really think this can help students to improve their work and their skills such as: learning skills, writing skills, reading skills, or even arts and crafts skills, as we saw in the video. I would probably use this technique more in Arts and Crafts class than in the others but I would maybe try it in language classes too.

2. Asking for feedback.

Resultat d'imatges de students raising hands
Feedback such us: telling them what they would improve and how exactly.
I think it is a good idea to let students show their work to their classmates because they could give them some positive opinion so they could correct possible mistakes. 
3. Use draft paper to write vocabulary words the students don't know.

I would particularly use this technique at class because I really think this can help students to learn how to write vocabulary words and to know their meaning. Moreover, they will have all the words written down in a paper and every time they don't remember how that words are spelled or its meaning they can check it.
4. Prepare different activities to develop one same topic.


I would also use this technique at class because I think if students do not realize their are doing similar activities, they won't get bored of doing them; and without they knowing it they will keep practicing it and learning more and more about it.

5. Some tips to help students classify:

Here I upload three different techniques to help students classify.
For example: First, students could classify vertebrates in birds, reptiles or mommals; after, if they are going to work on mommals, they could classify them in farm animals, pets or wild animals, and then, watch the differences.

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