In this blog we can see a weekly entrance where it shows the different activities, videos or books that we have talked about at class and that I have found really interesting.

Hope you like it!!!

sábado, 22 de octubre de 2016


Dear diary,

What got my attention of this week's class because it will help me as a future teacher is:

1. A project scheme:

I would like to mention that I would use this type of scheme to help me to start a project because I think it is very clear and really helpful. As we can see thanks to this scheme we can separate the content from the language structures and while you are thinking about one of these things, the others are easy to came up.

Resultat d'imatges de infant book cover2. How to introduce a new story:

- Making students guess the story from the portrait picture or from the title.

- Having an image of one of the characters and ask students if they have ever seen it.

I think this is a good method to start a new story because it can get students attention and could encourage them to imagine what could happen along the story; which will make them listen to you and pay attention to you. 

3. How to organize a reading session:

- Split the class into two groups.

- Make mix-ability groups.

- Have two teachers in different classroom. One teacher tells the story and the other does related activities.

Resultat d'imatges de reading session

I would like to follow this type of organitzation in a real class because I think it could help the students focus and participate more because the group is reduced. In addition, having two different teachers is very helpful because while one is reading the story with one group of the students, the other can play games that can help students to understand better the reading.

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